Stay safe while walking in snow and ice
1. Wear proper footwear. Avoid shoes or boots with smooth, leather or plastic soles. Instead opt for heavy treads with rubber soles for good traction. Crampons are very useful while walking on ice.
2. Walk carefully. Take slower steps and maintain your center of balance over your feet. Shifting your weight may cause an imbalance and result in a fall.
3. Use your hands. Keep your hands at your side and not in your pockets. Use handrails or walking sticks (with ice picks) when possible. Avoid carrying heavy and bulky items.
4. Choose the clearest path possible. Choose sidewalks that are well maintained and make sure your own property is clear of any hazardous conditions. Most falls happen right on your doorstep.
With these tips in mind, we hope you can get outside and stay active this winter. Although taking precautions should minimize injuries and health problems, injuries can still occur.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us!