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Exciting News!


Licensed physiotherapists working in private practice across Nova Scotia will be able to request X-rays for patients as early as spring of this year.

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Check out our new F.A.Q page!


1. Do I need a doctor’s referral to go to physiotherapy?

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Ice/Traction Cleats


Ice or Traction Cleats are an excellent tool to help promote being active outdoors when walkways are snow or ice filled.

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Parkview Professional Centre
6 McFarlane Street
Springhill, Nova Scotia
B0M 1X0


Mon, Wed & Fri:
9 - 7 pm, approximately.

Tue & Thu:
According to case load. Meg will accommodate urgent cases as necessary.


Phone: 902-763-2224
Meg’s Cell: 902-297-9279
Fax: 902-763-2080

Email: admin@winnockphysio.com

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